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Consultation by telephone. No Herbs.
For a telephone consult. Contact me if I don't get in touch with you first. Emailing me a picture of your face and tongue is super helpful. Emailing me details is also very good.
It would help me if you would send a picture of your face and tongue. Email me the symptoms you have with as many details as you feel comfortable with. Tell me what you are feeling in your body and not just what doctors have called your disease.
Famous Custom Formula #1
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Famous Custom Formula....   Chai Hu 20 Bai Shao 20 Yu Jin 20 Huang Jing 10 Dang Gui 5 Fu Ling 10 Bai Zhu 15
Gluten free Bao He Wan
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Gluten free Bao He Wan is modified to take out the Shen Qu but added Mu Xiang. You can read about Bao He Wan here.

This is for digestive issues to be taken right after a meal. A handy thing to have especially for people who eat.

Shan Zha

Lai Fu Zi

Mu Xiang - substituted for Shen Qu

Chen Pi

Ban Xia

Fu Ling

Lian Qiao

Tongue with thick yellow coating

This formula is best for those with a tongue coating so thick, you can't see through it.

Yu He Bone Aching Formula modified
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Yu He  (Bone Aching) Wan (aka Yuhe Decoction) note that we also carry Yu He Wan. (spelled very similar).

That's we have given this one a different name.

Ge Gen / radix pueraiae
Gui Zhi / ramulus cinnamomi
Nan Sha Shen / adenophora tetraphylla
Gan Cao / radix glycyrrhizae
Bai Shao / radix paeoniae alba
Sheng Jiang / ginger
Dang Gui / angelica sinensis
Chuan Xiong / rhizoma chuanxiong
Huang Jing  / radix polygonati officinalis
Bai Zhu / rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae
Shan Yao /  rhizoma dioscoreae
not included  - Fu Zi - radix aconiti lateralis preparata - special order only
Chuan Niu Xi - radix cyathulae
Huai Niu Xi - radix achyranthis bidentatae
Gu Sui Bu - rhizoma drynariae
Xu Duan - radix dipsaci
Shen Jin Cao - lycopodium clavatum (based on availability)
Fang Feng - saposhnikovia divaricata
Huang Qi - radix astragali
Dang Shen - radix codonopsis
San Qi - panax notoginseng
Ju He Wan (lower body)
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.

Ju He Wan

this is for distress in the lower body for the most part. Not to be confused with Yu He Wan. Chen Pi Sm. Citri Reticulatae Promotes the movement of Qi, dissipates clumps and stops pain, for hernial disorders, testicular swelling and pain and breast lumps. Chen Pi is another name for Ju Pi. Chuan Lian Zi -Fr. Toosendan Dredges Liver Qi, releases Stagnation, stops pain and conducts Heat out from below. Mu Xiang Rx. Aucklandiae - Promotes the movement of Qi, alleviates pain and adjusts and regulates stagnant Qi in the Intestines. Tao Ren Sm. Persicae Breaks up Blood Stasis invigorates Blood circulation, moistens the Intestines and unblocks the bowels. Yan Hu Suo Corydalis Regulates the flow of Qi and Blood, to treat milder cases of menstrual irregularity or dull ache in the epigastrium from clumped Qi in the Spleen and Stomach. Rou Gui Cx. Cinnamomi Disperses deep Cold, warms the channels, unblocks the channels and vessels and alleviates pain.
  • Mu Tong Caulis Akebiae (when available- if not we substitute Deng Xin Cao or similar herb) Promotes urination, unblocks painful urinary dysfunction and drains Heart Heat through the Small Intestine.
Hou Po Magnoliae Officinalis Harmonizes the Stomach. Zhi Shi  Fr. Aurantii Immaturus Breaks up Stagnant Qi, reduces accumulation, descends Qi, unblocks the bowels, removes stagnant food, transforms Phlegm, reduces distention and resolves hardenings. Hai Zao Sargassum  - Reduces Phlegm, softens areas of hardness, promotes urination and reduces swelling. Kun Bu Thallus Eckloniae - Resolves Phlegm, softens Phlegm nodules (areas of hardness), promotes urination and reduces swelling.
  • Hai Dai Thallus Laminariae  (May not be included if not available.) Resolves Phlegm, softens Phlegm nodules (areas of hardness), promotes urination and reduces swelling. (Essentially the same functions as Kun Bu and Hai Zao.)
Thanks to Joel Penner at American Dragon (Americandragon.com)for permission to use above information.
Astragalus and Siler Formula (Yu Ping Feng San)
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Details of Astragalus and Siler Formula

Astragalus root is all about immunity, but that includes skin functions too.

_______________________   Notes: This formula's name suggests that, like a screen door, good air can pass through, but insects remain outside. This formula isn't about repelling insects exactly, but it is about forming a screen to keep out other problems carried by the wind. It also promotes appropriate skin functions such as sweating. If you sweat inappropriately, and have more than four colds or flus per year, this is a great formula for you.   Also available as convenient "teapills" here.  Alternative Names
  • Astragalus and Siler
  • Yu Ping Feng San
  • Jade Windscreen Decoction
  • Yupingfeng San
  • Jade Screen Tablets
  • Jade Screen Formula
Ingredients Huang Qi 黃耆 astragalus root, milk-vetch root, milkvetch root Astragali Radix
  • Astragalus is famous for immunity support, but its affects go deeper than that, actually they go more superficial. This is an anti-sweating formula, but it is only for sweating that is NOT associated with a fever. If you have a fever, you treat the fever to reduce sweating. If you sweat very easily without a fever, then astragalus is for you.
Fang Feng 防風 saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root, siler Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae
  • "Fang Feng" translates to "guards against wind". This is a little like saying that it supports the immune system, especially those issues that are carried by the wind (such as viruses expelled during a sneeze or cough.)
Bai Zhu 白术 , bai shu ovate atractylodes, (white) atractylodes rhizome [supports pregnancy]
  • Atracylodes is a big digestion support herb. By stimulating the efficiency of the digestion, foods can be property and efficiently digested, which provides the immune system with the necessary nutrition to work at optimum levels.
Recommended for these body types:


Slightly Delicate

Slightly Delicate



Recommended for these thermal natures:






Adult DosageThis formula can be used to support health with or without symptoms. If symptoms are present, take 1 level teaspoon of the powder (8 capsules) three times daily. When symptoms are not present, take 1/2 level teaspoon (4 capsules), two times daily. Empty stomach is best for efficient absorption, but not essential. [More...] At this dosage, your order will last approximately this long (?):
  • 50 grams powder (capsules only): 4 to 14 days.
  • 100 grams powder (capsules or powder): 8 to 25 days
  • 200 grams powder (powder only): 19 to 56 days
 Wu Bi Shan Yao Wan
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Wu Bi Shan Yao Wan   10 Shan Yao Dioscorea  10 Fu Ling Poria  5 Ze Xie Alisma 10 Shu Di Huang Rehmannia 10 Shan Zhu Yu Cornus 10 Ba Ji Tian Morinda 10 Tu Si Zi Cuscuta 5 Eucommia Du Zhong 10 Niu Xi Cyathula 10 Wu Wei Zi Schizandra 10 Rou Cong Rong Cistanche
Eczeherbal 2
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
For help with eczema. From Zi Zai dermatology company in Colorado. A little goes a long way.   This ointment is specially formulated according to the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patterns known as Heat in the Blood with Fire Toxins & Wind. From the perspective of TCM, the herbs in this ointment Clear Heat, Cool Blood, Eliminate Wind and Resolve Toxins. It is specifically designed for itchy skin where redness and dryness are the main elements.  100% Natural Ingredients: (updated formula as of April 2020)
  • High-Linoleic Safflower Oil
  • Fair-trade Refined Shea Butter
  • Beeswax
  • Chinese herbs (Zi Hua Di Ding, Sheng Di Huang, Bai Xian Pi, et al.)
Huang Qi Ren Shen Tang
Huang Qi Ren Shen Tang Huang Qi 11% Sheng Ma 4% Chen Pi 5% Ren Shen 8% Mai Men Dong 11% Bai Zhu 8% Cang Zhu 8% Huang Bai 8% Shen Qu 3% Dang Gui 8% Zhi Gan Cao 4% Wu Wei Zi 8% Xiang Fu 8% Zhi Mu 8%
Eagleherbs: if you can find it, create it or dream it we can make it.  
Lung Relief
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Di Gu Pi 30 Gan Cao 20

Acupuncture Doctor Beijing 2005

Sang Bai Pi 30 Yi Yi Ren (Jing Mi no longer available) 20
PS clear heat 1
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Nu Zhen Zi 10 Bai Mao Gen 10 Shi Gao 15 Han Lian Cao 15Flowers Mu Dan Pi 10 Zhi Mu 15 Niu Xi 5 Mai Men Dong 10 Sheng di Huang 10
PS 1 7/16
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
10 Bai Zhu 10 Huang Lian 10 Ban Xia 10 Huang Qin 10 Jie Geng 10 Mai Men Dong 10 Mu Dan Pi 10 Chi Shao 10 Wu Wei Zi 10 Zhi Mu
Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan - 7 Treasures for Beautiful Hair
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
The name says it all. This product should not be used or be used with caution in conjunction with an herbal professional while having chemotherapy and radiation treatments. We sell the same product without Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis root) because many physicians feel that Dang Gui has "estrogenic properties" and may not be appropriate for those on long or short term treatment. Note that these products do not treat any disease but are only to help grow healthy hair. You can find the formula here. Shou Wu Polygonum multiflorum root Fu Ling Poria cocos fungus Huai Niu Xi Achyranthes bidentata root Dang Gui Angelica sinensis root Gou Qi Zi Lycium chinense fruit Bu Gu Zhi Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae Tu Si Zi Semen Cuscutae Seven Treasures for Beautiful Hair Pills Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan
Qi Bao Beautiful Hair without Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis)
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Details of Qi Bao Minus Dang GuiSeven Treasures for Beautiful Hair Pills This formula is the same as Qi Bao Mei Ran Dan but we've left out the Dang Gui (Angelica Sinensis). Although we like Dang Gui a lot, some western doctors object to it when patients have a history of breast cancer.
Its indications are
  • Enriches the Kidney Jing (essence) 
  • Nourishes the Liver Blood
Kidney Jing is loosely correlated to adrenal function. As we know, chemotherapy and radiation can leave a person profoundly tired or "wiped out". This formula supplements the body. The hair is said to be an extension of the blood and so as therapy "burns" the cancer, there is damage to the Jing (essence) and to the Blood. We can't guarantee this formula will prevent hair from falling out but it may help balance the conditions that create the condition.
Shou Wu Polygonum multiflorum root Fu Ling Poria cocos fungus Huai Niu Xi Achyranthes bidentata root Gou Qi Zi Lycium chinense fruit Bu Gu Zhi Fructus Psoraleae Corylifoliae Tu Si Zi Semen Cuscutae
Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Bei Xie 30 grams Yi Zhi Ren 20 grams (may substitute Bu Gu Zhi depending on availability) Wu Yao 20 grams Shi Chang Pu 30 grams
Wu Mei Wan
Classic formula for particular stomach conditions. Contains very hot and very cold herbs.

Wu Mei Wan

Wu Mei (Fructus Pruni Mume) Chuan Jiao (Pericarpium Zanthoxyli ) Xi Xin (Radice Asari) may substitute based on availability Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis) Huang Bai (Cortex Phellodendri) Gan Jiang (Rhizoma Zingiberis Officinalis) Fu Zi (Radix Lateralis Aconiti) Gui Zhi (Ramulus Cinnamomi) Ren Shen (Radix Ginseng) Dang Gui (Angelicae Sinensis)
Gardenia and Hoelen Formula (wu lin san)
please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.
Details of Gardenia and Hoelen Formula
Gardenia fruit is used to detoxify the upper, middle, and lower parts of the body.

Gardenia fruit is used to detoxify the upper, middle, and lower parts of the body.

Alternative Names
  • wu lin san
  • Five Stranguries Powder
  • Powder for Five Kinds of Stranguria
  • go rin san
  • Gorin-san
  • 五淋散
  • ごりんさん
  • TJ56; TJ-56, TJ 56
  • regualtes urinary functions
  • supports bladder health
Ingredients Zhi Zi 梔子 cape jasmine fruit, gardenia Gardeniae Fructus
  • This amazing little fruit is famous for detoxifying. In a medicinal context, it is the crunchy shell (shown) that is the working end of this herb. In this formula, its benefit is to cool the internal environment. When the heart gets hot, the outcome is restlessness and irritability. When the liver gets hot, the blood warms up as well. Blood that gets too hot boils out of its container, the vessels.
Chi Shao 赤芍 red peony root Radix Peoniae Rubrae
  • The red-colored peony root is another blood cooling medicinal that helps to cool the blood in support of the Zhi Zi above.
Chi Fu Ling 赤茯苓 red poria, Poria Rubrae
  • Another cooling herb that drains heat from the heart through to the urine, thus opening up the urinary passage and supporting healthy urinary output.
Dang Gui 當歸 tangkuei, Chinese angelica root Radix Angelicae Sinensis [supports pregnancy]
  • This herb helps the Chi Shao red peony root above in addressing the muscle spasms that arise from urinary difficulties.
Gan Cao 甘草 licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae [caution]
  • Finally, Gan Cao, licorice root is used to moderate the harsh properties of the herbs in this formula. Makes it work more gently.
Recommended for these body types:


Slightly Hearty

Slightly Hearty



Slightly Delicate

Slightly Delicate

Recommended for these thermal natures:






Adult DosageThis formula can be used to support health with or without symptoms. If symptoms are present, take 1 level teaspoon of the powder (8 capsules) three times daily. When symptoms are not present, take 1/2 level teaspoon (4 capsules), two times daily. Empty stomach is best for efficient absorption, but not essential. [More...] At this dosage, your order will last approximately this long (?):
  • 100 grams powder (capsules or powder): 8 to 25 days
  • 200 grams powder (powder only): 19 to 56 days
Juan Bi Tang Diffuse Pain Decoction
choose capsules or powder and sizes.
Details of Diffuse Pain Decoction

Migrating aches aggravated by damp weather?

Cinnamon twig is a great blood mover which treats pain.

The Diffuse Pain Decoction was originally conceived of addressing the painful influences of exposure to wind or damp weather. Back in the 1170s, that was a pretty good idea, well before we enjoyed so much control over our environment. Even with central heating and air conditioning autoimmune disregulation or changes in barometric pressure can still give rise to these aches and pains. Pains that migrate are due to "wind". One day it's right here, then the next day it has moved over to the other side. That's said to be wind clogging up the channels. Dampness from the environment is as easy to recognize as the well-known arthritic pains that are arise with rainy weather. Dampness makes the limbs feel heavy and numb too. If the dampness goes a little more deep, it can generate dizziness or the sensation of a heavy head. This formula is one of those "root & branch" treatments too. The branch means the symptoms that are due to the invasion of wind or damp as described above. Treating the root means strengthening the qi and blood since they prevent wind or damp from getting into the body. Qi is the energy that can prevent the dampness from entering the body, so we stimulate the qi of the lungs as it is this qi that regulates the opening and closing of the skin pores. We use Huang Qi (Rx. Astragalus) to promote this lung qi. To address the wind, we recall an ancient treatment principle that suggests one treat the blood to expel the wind. This is done with the herb Dang Gui (Rx. Angelica Sinensis) and Bai Shao (Rx. Peony Alba). This formula is best used to promote joint health when there are no visible deformities to the bones or tendons. If there are, consider Angelica Pubescens and Sang-Ji-Sheng Decoction instead. Alternative Names
  • Remove Painful Obstruction Decoction
  • Chuan Pi Tang
  • Juan Bi Tang
  • ChuanPiTang
  • Impediment-Alleviating Decoction
  • Blockage-Relieving Decoction
  • Diffuse Pain Decoction
  • Notpterygium and Tumeric Combination
Ingredients Qiang Huo 羌活 notopterygium root, chiang-huo Rhizoma et Radix Notopterygii Fang Feng 防風 saposhnikovia root, ledebouriella root, siler Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae
  • The two herbs listed above are doing the heavy lifting in this formula. They're both used for "dispelling wind-damp" to address migrating aches that are aggravated by damp weather. They're very aromatic herbs, something like Ben Gay© or Tiger Balm©. They have that nose-opening quality. That second herb "fang feng" actually translates to "guards against wind".
Dang Gui 當歸 tangkuei, Chinese angelica root Radix Angelicae Sinensis [supports pregnancy] Bai Shao 白芍 white peony root, peony Paeoniae Radix alba [supports pregnancy]
  • The two famous herbs above help nourish the blood according to Chinese medicine theory. As it turns out, blood is the antidote to wind pain. Wind can be described as aches that move about the body. Wind due to blood deficiency is also implicated in itchy skin due to dry skin.
Jiang Huang薑黄 turmeric rhizome Rhizoma Curcumae Longae, Curcumae longae Rhizoma [don't use if pregnant]
  • Jiang Huang has become something of an integrated medicine darling of late. This is tumeric. Its job in this formula is to stimulate the movement of qi-energy and blood in the shoulders and upper arm to address tension and discomfort in the upper limbs.
Huang Qi 黃耆 astragalus root, milk-vetch root, milkvetch root Astragali Radix
  • Just as nourishing the blood can help to eliminate wind, so it is that Huang qi boosts the qi-energy to eliminate the damp. So, that's good for that heavy numb stiff feelings in the body.
Da Zao 大棗 jujube, Chinese date Jujubae Fructus Sheng Jiang 生薑 fresh ginger rhizome Zingiberis Rhizoma
  • These two herbs act on the dance between the qi and blood in this formula. Nourishing the blood is essential to address the wind and boosting the qi-energy is required for the damp. The two herbs listed above work to support and regulate these two opposing but complimentary functions.
Zhi Gan Cao 炙甘草 licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae prep. [caution]
  • This sweet herb acts just like a sweet person in a room. They exert a calming mood. In an herbal context, calming the herbs means that they act more gently with less harsh qualities that may cause side-effects.
Nei Yi Blood Mover 2
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Blood Mover 2

  Dan Shen (Salviae multiorrhizae Radix) Xue Jie (Draconis Sanguis) San Leng (Sparganii Rhizoma) E Zhu (Curcumae Rhizoma) Tao Ren (Persicae Semen) San Qi (Notoginseng Radix) Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis) Gui Zhi (Cinnamomi Ramulus) Xiang Fu (Cyperi Rhizoma) Niu Xi (Achyranthis bidentate Radix)
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