This exercise is a very superficial introduction to what a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine is thinking when they look at your tongue. It will also provide you some clues as to the nature and perhaps the location of your particular health issues as well.
This is only an exercise, this is not a real diagnosis. For a real diagnosis, see an appropriately licensed practitioner in your area or contact Beyond Well Being for more information. Also, keep an eye out for the underlined terms. They're mouseover definitions, so if you hold your little arrow over these words, a little box with a definition will open. For instance the (Chinese medicine) "Perfect! You rolled your curser over this definition text. You're going to LOVE this test.Liver" is very different than the (biomedical) "This is the same liver as is used in 'chopped' liver, best spread on Ritz crackers.liver". So, use the definitions to understand what I'm really saying here.
As you pass through this series of questions, you'll find pathologies being listed on the right side of this screen. This is roughly how the Chinese medicine diagnostian will think. We add up all the indications and whatever really sticks out, we treat that. If there are no particular syndromes that really stick out, you may benefit from a more in-depth test than what we have here.