Restore the Left Kidney Pill Zuo Gui Wan


please choose carefully whether capsules or powder and sizes. Thanks.



Details of Restore the Left (Kidney) Pill

Shan yao is a Chinese yam supports reproductive, digestive, and respiratory systems.

Alternative Names

  • Zuo Gui Wan

In ancient Chinese medicine texts, the body fluids are said to arise from the left Kidney. Hence, to “restore the left” means to hydrate the body or at least support the Kidney functions to that end.

The Kidneys are the body’s “root of yin and yang” or fluids and metabolic heat. Together, they create Kidney qi which is the many functions of the Kidneys and the precursor of other forms of energy and organ functions in the body.

Symptoms of a weakness of the left Kidney are called “Kidney Yin Deficiency” in modern Chinese medicine. Think “dehydration”. However, it isn’t always good enough to simply drink more fluids. This formula is really about fluid metabolism, which is what prevents losing all your body fluids through the urination. So this formula supports the functions of your kidneys that limit your fluid loss. Biomedicine calls that “reuptake” where the kidneys reabsorb much of the fluid that passes through, and creates much less urine for excretion.


Shu Di Huang 熟地黄 cooked rehmannia root, prepared Chinese foxglove root Rehmanniae Radix preparata [supports pregnancy]

Gou Qi Zi 枸杞子 lycium fruit, Chinese wolfberry, matrimony vine fruit, goji berry Lycii Fructus [use caution if pregnant]

Shan Zhu Yu 山茱萸 Asiatic cornelian cherry fruit, cornus Corni Fructus

  • These three herbs nourish the Kidneys and their ability to regulate the body fluids of the body. In particular, Shu Di Huang and Gou Qi Zi (nowadays, known as “goji berries”) are moistening herbs that stimulate the Kidneys’ moistening functions. The final herb there, shan zhu yu is sour which helps to astringe or suck in excessive fluid loss through the urine.

Shan Yao 山藥 dioscorea rhizome, Chinese yam Dioscoreae Rhizoma

  • This herb is also nourishing to the Kidneys but less about fluids and more about function. Plus it supports the digestive and respiratory functions as well. One of the (Chinese medicine) Kidney functions is to send pure fluids back into general body circulation. Modern medicine recognizes the same thing, but calls it “reuptake”.

Tu Si Zi 菟絲子 Chinese dodder seeds; cuscuta Cuscutae Semen [supports pregnancy]

Chuan Niu Xi 川牛膝 cyathula root Cyathulae Radix [don’t use if pregnant]

  • These two herbs support the lower back, which can get weak or achy when the (Chinese concept of the) Kidneys are deficient. Much of this formula is devoted to the nourishment of Kidney yin-fluids. The Tu Si Zi is warm and stimulating to the Kidney functions, which include libido. Those who are weak in yin-fluids often lack libido too. The Chuan Niu Xi stimulates blood flow into the Kidneys to promote its healthy fluid metabolism functions so you pee more if you have edema, and less if you’re up multiple times at night to urinate.
Recommended for these body types:


Slightly Delicate

Slightly Delicate



Recommended for these thermal natures:








<span=”RecommendedDoseSchedule”>Adult Dosage

This formula can be used to support health with or without symptoms. If symptoms are present, take 1 level teaspoon of the powder (8 capsules) three times daily. When symptoms are not present, take 1/2 level teaspoon (4 capsules), two times daily. Empty stomach is best for efficient absorption, but not essential. [More…]

At this dosage, your order will last approximately this long (?):

  • 100 grams powder (capsules or powder): 8 to 25 days
  • 200 grams powder (powder only): 19 to 56 days
Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 in
granules or capsules sizes

100 grams granules:, 200 grams granules, 100 capsules 50 grams:, 200 capsules (100 grams), 5 bottles 200 grams granules, 5 bottles 200 capsules