Bamboo and Ginseng Combination (Zhu Ru Wen Dan Tang)


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Alternative Names

  • zhu ru wen dan tang
  • chu pi chu ju tang
  • Bamboo Shavings Gallbladder-Warming Decoction
  • tikuyo untan to
  • chikujountanto
  • Chikujo-untan-tō
  • 竹じょ温胆湯
  • ちくじょうんたんとう

Used for anxiety…


Zhu Ru 竹茹 bamboo shavings Caulis Bambusae in Taeniis

Jie Geng 桔梗 balloon flower root, platycodon root Radix Platycodi Grandifolii

Zhi Shi 枳實 unripe bitter orange, chih-shih Aurantii Fructus immaturus

Chai Hu 柴胡 hare’s ear root, thorowax root, bupleurum Radix Bupleuri

Chen Pi 陳皮 aged tangerine peel, citrus Citri reticulatae Pericarpium

Ban Xia 半夏 pinellia rhizome, pinellia tuber Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae

Fu Ling 茯苓 sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread Poria Cocos

Xiang Fu 香附 cyperus, nut-grass rhizome Cyperi Rhizoma

Huang Lian 黃蓮 coptis rhizome Rhizoma Coptidis

Ren Shen 人蔘 ginseng root Radix Panax Ginseng

Sheng Jiang 生薑 fresh ginger rhizome Zingiberis Rhizoma

Gan Cao 甘草 licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae

Da Zao 大棗 jujube, Chinese date Jujubae Fructus

Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 in
granules or capsules sizes

100 grams granules:, 200 grams granules, 100 capsules 50 grams:, 200 capsules (100 grams), 5 bottles 200 grams granules, 5 bottles 200 capsules