by Douglas Eisenstark | May 17, 2019 | FAQ, More Chinese Medicine Education
First of all Qi, Ki and Chi are all the same word just variations of Chinese and Japanese and ways that the West has written it in (their/our) letters. In Chinese Mandarin its more or less pronounced like “Cheeeese” while taking a picture but without the...
by Douglas Eisenstark | Jun 13, 2015 | Eagle Herbs INFO shipping, FAQ
Most of the problems have been worked out. Make sure you select your country (even if USA) in both billing and shipping address in the little drop down menu on the ordering page. If you have trouble with the checkout that is giving you zip code errors etc.. try making...
by Douglas Eisenstark | May 4, 2015 | FAQ, More Chinese Medicine Education
Frequently Asked Questions Are your herbs safe? Yes, they are made by the biggest suppliers in China under impeccable conditions. Herbs are a multi-million industry for our supplier and there is no cutting corners nor hanky-panky that would jeopardize that. Most of...
by Doug Eisenstark, L.Ac. | Dec 19, 2012 | FAQ, More Chinese Medicine Education
“Placebos” and “nocebos”, describe how our brains comply with our health goals to generate rapid and profound changes. The placebo response is a poorly-understood response by the body that generates temporary healing and/or the perception of...
by Doug Eisenstark, L.Ac. | Nov 12, 2012 | FAQ
Eagle Herbs formulas that call for ginseng (人参, 人蔘, rénshēn) often include real ginseng, not the cheaper alternative called Codonopsis pilosula (党参, dǎngshēn)*. Codonopsis root is not a true ginseng, though it does roughly the same thing for the digestion as ginseng....
by Doug Eisenstark, L.Ac. | May 5, 2012 | FAQ, info
Wondering how much granulated herbs you should take? Good question! Although they can be powerful, herbs can be seen more as foods than drugs. The label on the bottle gives you a good guideline as to the dosage but don’t feel like you have to follow them that exactly...