Lung Conditions

Formulas to Benefit the Lungs

Last year we started getting orders for a specific lung condition that  I can’t name here due to the FDA. (hint: it has 3 letters.) Truthfully I had never heard of it but it seems to be quite prevalent. Most of our orders are for 1 of these 3 formulas.

People have been discussing these on social media so I consider them more of an expert than I am. I just know that for some they have been helpful and people continue to order them.

Below is my recommendation that involves getting all 3 and trying them out for yourself. Once you find what works best you can order that or those for long term use. These herbs are not “miracles” and obviously using them as soon as possible in the condition is best.

These are the several  formulas that people have been ordering for I_F.
I’m not sure where your I_F is at the moment. I know its a bit of an investment but I would suggest getting one small 100 gram bottle of each and try them for yourself. You can mix or alternate them morning and night and see which ones you like or if you like them together.
The granules are much more efficient and cost effective. You put 2 o3 three small spoons (included) in 6 oz of water, stir it around, wait for 15 minutes and then drink the water or the whole thing granules and all. The capsules are easier but cost twice as much and take longer for us to make. We generally take a week to 10 days for the herbs to get to you although often it is less time.

Based on what I am hearing from people with I_F I have created this formula to benefit the lungs. 

Yu Fei Ning  is an all around formula and has been well studied for IPF.

Bu Fei Wan with Cordyceps is best for strengthening the lungs.

Bu Fei with Cordyceps

This has more cough and phlegm involved:  Jin Shui Huan Xian

If there is very little phlegm… Fei Fu kang

So let me know how it is going. As an acupuncturist and licensed herbalist (not a chiropractor) my first priority is to help people get better. I do read some of the social media testimonials and it is heartbreaking to hear of the stories there. Unlike other sites I make no claims for reversal of the disease (although that would be great obviously). All I can hope is that if you have this (or any other) disease these herbs can be of service in some way.

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