Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San Agastache Formula


Very good for many forms of nausea.

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Details of Agastache Formula

Patchouli settles the stomach by “piercing turbidity”.


I find this is the “go-to” formula for most forms of nausea. It is often used for pregnant women (although of course a doctor should be consulted for unremitting or serious nausea – pregnant or not). But for the run of the mill, “not feeling so great”  nausea after a greasy meal etc… I go for this (or some fresh ginger in water).

Also, this is a great formula to have on-hand for the cold and flu season. It excels in settling the stomach when a common cold or flu is aggravated by nausea.

Alternative Names

  • Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
  • Huo Hsiang Cheng Chi San (Wan)
  • Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
  • Agastache Qi-Regulating Formula (Pill)
  • Agastache Genuine-Qi Powder (Pill)
  • Pogostemon Powder to Rectify the Qi
  • Patchouli Powder to Rectify the Qi
  • Pogostemon Formula
  • 藿香正氣散

Huo Xiang 藿香 Pogostemonis/Agastaches Herba/Patchouli Pogostemonis/Agastaches Herba

Zi Su Ye 紫蘇葉(紫苏叶) perilla leaf Folium Perillae Frutescentis [supports pregnancy]

Bai Zhi 白芷 Radix Angelicae Dahuricae

  • All three of the herbs listed above release the exterior. I’ll bet you didn’t even know that your exterior needed releasing! The “exterior” in Chinese medicine refers to transitory issues that come from outside. Biomedicine calls this the “aerosol vector” which means that someone around you didn’t cover their mouth when they coughed in your presence. To “release” this means to generate a little sweat to push it out of the skin where it is said to reside. Huo Xiang and Zi Su Ye also settle the stomach. Bai Zhi is great for sinus headaches. These herbs push out toxicity from the skin in the form of a light sweat.

Chen Pi 陳皮 aged tangerine peel, citrus Citri reticulatae Pericarpium

Hou Po 厚朴 magnolia bark Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis [use caution if pregnant]

Da Fu Pi 大腹皮 areca husk, areca peel Arecae Pericarpium

  • Chinese medicine says that these herbs “circulate qi and dry damp”. When the intestines aren’t working quite right, there is gurgling, indigestion, nausea, and bloating. Circulating the qi and drying damp is like saying regulating the nervous system such that the stomach and intestines act in a coordinated and harmonized manner. These herbs stimulate qi circulation.

Ban Xia 半夏 pinellia rhizome, pinellia tuber Rhizoma Pinelliae Ternatae

Fu Ling 茯苓 sclerotium of tuckahoe, China root, hoelen, Indian bread Poria Cocos

Bai Zhu 白术 bai shu ovate atractylodes, Rhizoma Atractylodes Macrocephala

  • The above four herbs “drain turbid dampness”. That’s the gross stuff inside of you that wants to come out via vomiting or diarrhea. These herbs promote the body’s ability to get them out of the body in a healthful and safe manner. These herbs all have a downward directionality. The working end of these herbs will be an increased urinary output (you may pee more.)

Jie Geng 桔梗 balloon flower root, platycodon root Radix Platycodi Grandifolii

  • These herbs all have an up-and-outward directionality. The outward part benefits these things that get into the skin from the outside (see “release the exterior above”). The upward part helps to address symptoms that arise in the lungs and nose, two structures that are the first to notice that “exterior condition” in the form of coughing and runny or stuffed-up nose. The Bai Zhi is for the sinuses, and is used in this formula for a sinus headache. The Zi Su Ye also settles the stomach, and the Jie Geng helps support the functions of the lungs for cough or other upper respiratory disharmonies.

Sheng Jiang – ginger

Zhi Gan Cao 炙甘草 licorice root Radix Glycyrrhizae prep. [caution]

  • From the Chinese medicine perspective, this formula is for what we call “exterior wind-cold with internal damp turbidity.” Addressing this pattern, we must use many drying herbs (as it is the internal dampness that causes nausea) and that can cause some damage to the stomach which likes to be a little moist and is really sensitive to getting dry. This one herb helps to protect the stomach from all the other herbs that target that damp turbidity. This herb also softens the effects of the other herbs to prevent any side-effects.


Adult Dosage

    Eagle Herbs is now supplying a 2 gram “little spoon”. (Please wash and dry before using.)

    An “average dose” is 10 grams per day of the granules or 20 capsules.

    A Big Dosage for Short-lived but intense issues: 3 little spoons (12 capsules) twice a day.

    A Smaller Dosage for Lingering low-grade concerns: 2 little spoons (8 capsules) twice a day.

    If you are very sensitive to medicines: start out low (1/2 little spoon or 2 capsules) once per day, and raise the dosage each day.

    We find that people find the right dosage for themselves: what feels good for them and they get the results they are looking for.

Your order will last approximately this long:

  • 100 grams powder (capsules or powder): 8 to 25 days
  • 200 grams powder (powder only): 19 to 56 days

Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 in
granules or capsules sizes

100 grams granules:, 200 grams granules, 100 capsules 50 grams:, 200 capsules (100 grams), 5 bottles 200 grams granules, 5 bottles 200 capsules

Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

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