Qi Gong Wan


This formula is a form of Yue Ju Wan for all sorts of stagnation.

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This formula is basically Yue Ju Wan with more emphasis on dampness.

Ban Xia Dries Dampness, transforms Phlegm, dissipates nodules and reduces Stagnation.

Cang Zhu 蒼术 atractylodes rhizome, cang shu Atractylodis Rhizoma

  • Qi stagnation that affects the functions of the Stomach and Intestines can cause a lot of gurgling or other issues with the metabolism of fluids. This herb is said to aromatically pierce through damp turbidity. That’s going to result in a cool airy feeling in your tummy which you’ll like.

Chen Pi – Regulates Qi, adjusts the Middle, relieves the diaphragm, dries Dampness and transforms Phlegm.

Fu Ling Promotes urination, leaches out Dampness, strengthens the Spleen,harmonizes the Middle Jiao and transforms Phlegm.

Xiang Fu 香附 cyperus, nut-grass rhizome Cyperi Rhizoma

  • This formula is for qi stagnation that then causes all the other kinds of stagnation. Xiang fu is the herb that addresses the qi stagnation. We use it often for when stress causes frequent sighing on the sensation that one can’t take a full breath of air (due to emotional stress). Xiang fu is also famous for bloating or dull achy pain in the upper abdomen.

Chuan Xiong 川芎 Sichuan lovage root, cnidium, chuanxiong root Rhizoma Ligustici Chuanxiong

  • This herb is said to move the “qi in the blood” which is to say that it stimulates the flow of the blood. It is unknown if this means “thinning” the blood or regulating the Heart or perhaps helping the blood vessels open up to help more flow through. Could be a little bit of all three, or only those that are needed in a particular case.

Shen Qu 神麴 medicated leaven Massa medicata fermentata [use caution if pregnant]

  • Shen Qu is especially effective in supporting the stomach’s ability to digest fermented foods. Also applies to fermented drinks such as alcohol. However because it is actually a mixture of a variety of digestive herbs, it can help anything stuck in the Stomach to get broken down and moving into the intestines as they should.


Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

Additional information

Weight 120 g
Dimensions 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.2 in
granules or capsules sizes

100 grams granules:, 200 grams granules, 100 capsules 50 grams:, 200 capsules (100 grams), 5 bottles 200 grams granules, 5 bottles 200 capsules

Post Disclaimer

Eagleherbs formulas are sold directly to consumers and not for resale. Consumers are assumed to have researched for the best formula for themselves and checked with their health care providers as to interactions with existing medications and conditions.

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